High School Student Information
Enroll Now & Become A Compass High School Student
Enroll Now For The 2024-25 School Year!
Begin your enrollment for the 2024-25 school year! Download and fill out the 24-25 CHS Enrollment Packet. You can mail, fax or hand deliver the completed form to the front office.
If you have any questions please call the school at 520-296-4070.
Become a Compass High School student today! For those looking for enrollment at Compass High School you can call or visit our campus. Get a jump start on enrollment by reviewing our Student Handbook.
Compass High Student Handbook
Download and sign the Compass High School student handbook. You can mail, fax or hand deliver the completed form to the front office.
Students Re-Opening Handbook
Download and review the Compass High School student re-opening handbook.
Arizona Graduation Requirements for High Schools
All Compass High School students must earn the required amount of credits for their cohort year in order to graduate. Compass High School graduating students must complete all course work by May 16th, 2025. The following credits must be completed to graduate.
Cohort Year 2025 Required Credits:
4 English
1 U.S. History
1 World History
.5 Government
1 Fine Arts or Vocational Ed
7 Electives
1 Applied Math
1 Algebra I
3 Science
1 Geometry
.5 Economics
1 Algebra II
Total of 22 Credits
Some elective credit and some core area credit will be earned through Passages and the Self-paced Electronic Programs.
Compass High School Student Expectations & Requirements
Compass High School follows state laws and standards on graduation requirements. Credits from Compass complete all requirements for graduation in Arizona. A Compass High School students diploma is accepted at community colleges, the military, and vocational colleges. Graduates can transfer to a state university after enrolling in a community college, or utilizing our dual enrollment offerings.
In addition to traditional academic requirements, Compass High School graduates are expected to contribute to the world as knowledgeable, ethical, and productive citizens. We believe that knowledge and skill are gained through personal, social, and intellectual educational experiences.
- Wellness
- Self-Directedness
- Courage & Challenge
- Learning Experience
- Responsible Decision Making
- Sense of Humor
- Individuality/Relationships
- Confrontation
- Flexibility/Resourcefulness
- Community/Ethic Awareness
- Ecological Awareness
- Families
- Communication
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
- Expressive Arts
- Analytical Reasoning
- Practice Research/Problem Solving
- Science (Knowledge & Process)
- Technological Literacy
- Creative Expression
- Sense of Political & Economic Awareness
- Mathematical Concepts & Operations
- Financial & Media Literacy
Academic Community
Compass High School’s learning community is comprised of students who are unique learners and a staff that reflects diversity in teaching styles and methods.
The culture at Compass High School prompts thoughtful interactions between students and teachers to initiate a learning dialog that encourages students to become active, self-directed, life-long learners. Our alternative education system is based on building relationships and hands-on learning. We believe that learning can take place anywhere, not just in a formal classroom setting.
Credit is earned in many unconventional ways, including independent studies, travels, and internships. We emphasize an understanding of the process of learning and the personal, real-life application of knowledge. We strive to prepare students for lives as adults. Academic and intellectual development is balanced with building strong life and communication skills.
High School Student Curriculum
Our belief is that great learning can take place outside of a formal classroom setting. Credit can be earned in many unconventional ways such as independent study, travel, special projects, internships and passages.
We pride ourselves on our innovative campus design. Our architecture allows us to redefine the idea of school by inspiring learning in unexpected places. These unique educational spaces allow for collaboration and out-of-the-box thinking.
Our belief is that high school should prepare teenagers for their lives as adults. Understanding the process of learning and the personal application of acquired knowledge is forefront in our curriculum.
We encourage teachers to design their own courses with this goal in mind. Therefore, our academic and intellectual development is complemented with the development of practical, personal, and social skills.
High School Student Assessments
As an alternative choice to traditional high schools, we pride ourselves on offering individualized, self-paced programs that promote quality education and an opportunity for success for all students.
We believe that a hands-on experience is more valuable then textbook content. Instead of assessing students’ ability with school-wide tests and quizzes, we encourage teachers to gauge their progress with practical demonstrations of their learning.
Dual Enrollment
Many Compass High School students are eligible for dual enrollment through Pima Community College. The dual enrollment program allows students to earn college credits before graduation and helps them get ahead on a college degree of their choice.
Dual enrollment students may attend one in-person course at a time at Pima Community College. Students in good academic standing are eligible to have the PCC dual enrollment tuition costs covered and required text books paid for by Compass High School.
CHS students interested in the dual enrollment program should talk to their advisor. Staff will help eligible students complete the enrollment process for Pima Community College. Before classes begin, students will take assessments, enroll in classes with the help of a PCC counselor, and complete student orientation. Dual enrollment students follow Pima Community College’s schedule for registration and course enrollment.
Students have the opportunity to work with their advisor to create a passage. Our passages are individually designed learning experiences that encourage students to pursue their passion for learning in the areas of career, adventure, practical skills, creativity, global awareness, logical inquiry or a personal challenge.
A passage can be the beginning of a life exploration, the start of a career, or just a fun, unique experience. Eligible passages can fulfill required credits and can help students expedite their graduation.
Provided Student Support Services & Resources
For those looking for enrollment at Compass High School you can call our front office at 520.296.4070 or visit our campus. Get a jump start by filling out our enrollment packet and bring it with you on your visit.
The most important difference between conventional high schools and Compass High School is our emphasis on relationships as founded in Art Combs’ six principles of learning. With this in mind, each student is assigned an advisor with whom the student develops his “Mutually Agreed upon education Plan” or MAP. This plan helps students navigate their education and learning intent.
Our advisory system guarantees that each student has a strong relationship with at least one staff member. Advisors encourage and challenge their students and prevent them from falling through the cracks. Ideally, an advisor will follow a student’s progress throughout his or her academic career at Compass High School. An essential part of advising is to help students overcome transitional challenges and obstacles.
For students who primarily use the bus, Compass High School offers free city bus passes to get to and from the school. The passes last for 30 days and can be renewed when the student returns their old pass and makes up any missed days. Making up days is easy! Students can attend a different session than their own for 2 hours for every day they miss. Students who are a part of Compass High School’s dual enrollment program can also use the free bus pass to go to and from their PCC classes.
Student ID’s
Compass High School offers Student IDs for our students to use at school and in everyday life. The IDs keep track of student ID numbers, current year, name, and picture. Students can get their ID from the front office after they have enrolled and had their picture taken.
Having an ID card from the school gives the students access to local discounts around Tucson. Such as movie theaters, some restaurants, retail stores, and anywhere that offers student discounts. IDs from Compass High School can also be used as an ID for students who don’t have a driver’s license or other form of government identification.
Important Websites
9th-12th Grade Curriculum Standards
ASBCS Academic Performance Expectations
More Resources
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
A 24/7, 365 hotline with information about recovery, and a treatment referral service.
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Call Now
A hotline and links to rehabilitation centers for those looking to begin the path to recovery.
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SMART Recovery
Tools for finding in-person and online recovery support groups for those suffering from addiction.
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STOMP Out Bullying
Chat and phone support for anyone experiencing bullying.
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National Association of People Against Bullying
Email support for anyone experiencing bullying, & assistance establishing anti-bullying clubs.
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Stop Bullying
Resources that help explain, identify, and prevent bullying and cyberbullying.
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National Eating Disorders Association
Information on eating disorders, as well as a helpline and screening test for those suffering.
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Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association
Links to support groups, and information to help those suffering from eating disorders heal.
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Eating Disorders Coalition
Information on eating disorders and access to a community for those seeking support.
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
A hotline for people who are being abused, as well as resources for identifying abusive behavior.
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love is respect
Educational space for people to learn about healthy relationships and identify abusive behavior.
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Futures Without Violence
Resources to help identify abusive relationships and educational links for those who need help.
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The Trevor Project
24/7 support helpline and chatline for LGBTQ+ youth.
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It Gets Better Project
Revealing stories and emotional support for LGBTQ+ people experiencing discrimination.
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Youth Pride Association
Support for LGBTQ+ acceptance through Peer Advocate and Acceptance Week programs.
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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Informative materials on racial disparity and civil rights within the United States.
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Advancement Project
Information on various civil rights topics and tools to raise awareness about equality and justice.
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World Trust
Films and other educational materials about racial discrimination.
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Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
A hotline and educational materials for sexual violence and assault victims.
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Take Back the Night Foundation
A support hotline that helps people understand their legal options after sexual violence or abuse.
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Stop It Now!
Informative materials to identify sexual abuse and find help for those suffering.
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
A hotline that is accessible 24/7, 365 for those in need of help.
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Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Information on the impact of suicide, resources for survivors, and links to additional sites.
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JED Foundation
Informative resources to help prevent suicide and a chatline for those in crisis.
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National Alliance on Mental Illness
A crisis helpline, as well as resources to help people understand and identify mental illnesses.
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To Write Love on Her Arms
Resources for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-harm, and suicide.
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This Is My Brave
Insightful stories of mental illness and addiction, plus resources for emotional support and mental health awareness.
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These resources are for informational purposes only. This website does not provide a complete list of resources that can offer help for these issues and is not a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Compass High School does not endorse any of the organizations or operate any of the resources listed on this website. If you think you may have an immediate need, reach out to your local emergency hotline or go to the nearest emergency facility. Charges may apply for telephone calls to the resources listed above.