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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions Answered For Parents, Guardians & Students

What is the current date the Compass will be open for Hybrid learning?

April 12th, 2021

What is Compass High School doing?

  • Following guidance from the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), the Pima Health Department, the Arizona Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  • Increasing messaging about core disease prevention and respiratory and hand hygiene.
  • Providing suggestions for staff and families on how to talk to children about COVID-19.
  • Increased hand sanitation stations around high school. 
  • Updating CHS families via email, phone calls and with CHS website with latest information.
  • Adapting emergency pandemic flu response plan to include COVID-19
  • Exploring options to provide continuity of learning for students in the event of quarantine or school closure. (including using current online and virtual school resources)

What will Hybrid learning look like at Compass?

Students will participate in a combination of Face to Face classes offered on campus, Online Canvas courses or APEX Learning courses, and Virtual Classes taught by teachers live.
*More details will be coming soon about our Face to Face classes and scheduling. Please see our Distance Learning Plan & Health Mitigation Guide for information about keeping your student safe when participating in face to face classes.

How do I enroll or get access to the “Parent Portal”?

Please view this video about how to enroll and view the Parent Portal. Or you can call the Compass High School front office at 520.296.4070.

I am having technical issues where do I get information for help?

Please see our Chromebook and Technical Support page for help. 

How does Compass High School clean & disinfect our school?

School custodians take extensive measures to sanitize school facilities every night.

  • Restrooms are cleaned and disinfected including disinfecting all toilets, sinks and urinals.
  • Floors are swept and mopped, trash is removed, and garbage cans are disinfected.
  • Surfaces are cleaned including tabletops, keyboards, mice, railings, chairs, walls and other surfaces. 
  • High touch surfaces, like door handles, are disinfected. 
  • Sweeping and wet mopping all floors in classrooms, restrooms, hallways, and stairwells.

What can students, families & staff do?

  • Be aware of symptoms of illness and stay home if you are not feeling well.
  • Continue to follow best practices for prevention of the spread of viruses, including COVID- 19 and the common cold or flu: wash hands frequently; do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands; cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing; and get a flu shot.
  • Respect the privacy of students and staff, and take steps to prevent discrimination.
  • Parents and guardians, ensure your contact information is up-to-date in the event that large group notifications are sent by phone, email, and text message. 
  • Keep yourself up-to-date on what the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), the Pima Health Department, the Arizona Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggest.
  • Discuss your child’s questions and concerns with them and help them practice good prevention. Depending on your child’s age, some helpful resources may include: “Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus” and “How to Talk to Kids About Coronavirus.”
  • Be personally prepared: 
    • Make sure you have a supply of all essential medications for your family.
    • Make a childcare plan in case you or a caregiver become sick.
    • Make arrangements about how your family would manage if there is a school closure.
    • Make a plan for how you can care for a sick family member without getting sick yourself.

If families or staff have health inquiries, what should they do?

For individual health concerns, please contact your healthcare provider. If it is a school-related health inquiry, call the front office at 520-296-4070 between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.

If a case is detected that impacts a school, what are some possible steps we might take?

Work with the Pima Health Department to evaluate exposure risk and make decisions regarding quarantine. The decision to close a school would be made on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the Department of Public Health, and would take into account the general safety of all students and staff.

Who would be responsible for closing schools?

According to the Arizona Department of Education, any decision to close schools as a result of the coronavirus would be made by individual Local education agency (LEA) in concert with their respective county health agencies.

If a school closes or students are unable to attend classes, how can CHS support teaching & learning?

The U.S. Department of Education provides the following options to ensure students can continue learning while at home:

  • Hard copy packets. ​ Textbooks, packets or portions from textbooks, photocopies of reference materials, curricula and assignments can be prepared in advance for distribution to affected students. – ✓ CHS is currently prepared to provide this service.
  • Online materials or other content.​ Digital copies of textbooks, reference materials, assignments and audiovisual learning supports can be made available on the internet using online learning platforms and websites. – ✓ CHS is currently prepared to provide this service.
  • Teacher check-ins and tutorials.​ A variety of technologies (telephone, e-mail, web conferencing) can be used to facilitate one-on-one interactions between students and teachers, counselors and other appointed adults, including tutors, during prolonged absences or dismissals. – ✓ CHS is currently prepared to provide this service if need arises.
  • Recorded class meetings.​ Using audio or video technology, recorded class meetings can be given to some or all absent students via podcasts, websites, DVDs, or public access television. – ✓ CHS is currently prepared to provide this service if need arises.
  • Live class meetings.​ Schools can use available tools such as conference calling or webinars, online courses or virtual schools with two-way interaction between the teacher and students. – X CHS is NOT currently prepared to provide this service but is making preparations to do so.